Friday, March 8, 2013

House Factory

When we learn about community helpers we like to introduce the idea of factories and how each person has a different job to accomplish a task. 

Here we are as a house factory.  Each child has a specific job. 
The girl in the blue is the tracer and she traces all the house shapes.  Then the three children next to her are the cutters and they cut out the houses.  The boy in the blue jacket is the window and door installer.  He puts on two windows and one door.  The boy in the plaid shirt is the roofer and puts on two roof pieces.  The boy and the girl next to him are the landscapers and they add the beautiful grass.  Finally, the last children at the table are the painters and insure that all of the houses get a nice coat of paint.

When they are finished, their boss (the teacher) inspects their work.

They are quite excited to see that they made 12 great houses and even more excited to get paid a preschool dollar and buy something from our "recycled toy" store.

This is a project that takes a lot of careful explanation and some strategic teacher planning as to whichil child would like which job the best, but when it is going it is very successful.

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